Go for the Goal 30-Day Challenge: January-February 

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Transform your New Year’s goals into action with the Y’s 30-day member challenge January 16-February 14! 

Set and commit to one SMART goal for a manageable 30-day period and get the inspiration you need to stay active in 2023.

1) Register for the challenge – FREE to members!

2) Visit the Fitness Center desk to pick up your goal card. Staff are available to help you set the best goal for your individual needs.

3) Post your goal card on the “Goal Getter” board (only your first name is public).

4) Get started, stay motivated! Participants receive three (3) goal check-ins over the 30 days with a designated YMCA personal trainer. These can be in-person, over the phone, or via email.

5) Keep the momentum going! At the end of the 30-day challenge, meet with your YMCA trainer to set another 30-day goal and action plan to achieve independently (optional).

BONUS! All finishers receive a free YMCA t-shirt. Plus, participants who achieve their new healthy habit each week will be entered into a drawing for prizes such as free personal training sessions! 


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