Providing Housing Options and Creating Community for More Than a Century

The global YMCA movement was founded to be a safe and affordable housing option for men moving from rural to urban areas. Since 1885, the YMCA in Evanston has provided rooms and beds for hotel, short-term and eventually long-term Single Room Occupancy (SRO) dormitory design housing with wrap-around services.

The McGaw YMCA’s Men’s Residence program at 1000 Grove Street has helped transform the lives of hundreds of men-identified people each year by providing safe bridge housing with case management and referral services that address job searching, aging, social security, chronic illness, and maintaining physical and mental health. Residents work together alongside staff to create a deep sense of community as they build a path towards personal stability. The McGaw Y Men’s Residence remains the largest provider of safe, affordable and accessible bridge housing for men age 18 and older in Evanston and one of the few remaining single room occupancy options in the Chicago area.

Built in 1930, the McGaw Y Men’s Residence is scheduled for a long overdue transformation. The residence space in our historic 1000 Grove Street building will be renovated to provide comfortable, functional, safe and modern living spaces that speak to each resident’s dignity and privacy. The transformation will include a new lobby for our resident men along with additional program areas and shared community spaces where residents can come together, connect, and unwind. Equity and public health, with an emphasis on safety and improved quality of life, are driving this project.


The McGaw YMCA Men’s Residence Renovation Project will transform the 92-year-old Single Room Occupancy (SRO) dormitory style residences through a lens of equity, providing comfortable, functional, safe and modern living spaces that speak to each resident’s dignity and privacy. The newly created model room showcases how a typical single-occupancy room will look, feel, flow and function following the Men’s Residence Renovation project.

Architectural Renderings

View and download architectural renderings and floor plans for the project.


Our supportive services for residents include on-site case management, employment and education assistance, rental assistance, financial education and personal budgeting assistance, health and wellness programs and more.

"I love living at the YMCA. This is my home."

"The YMCA is my family."



Y Supporters are a diverse collection of individuals who support the mission and vision of McGaw YMCA. Our Y Supporters help to publicly amplify McGaw Y’s work and are critical in realizing the YMCA’s vision of becoming a place of belonging for all people at every stage of life.

As a Y Supporter for the Men’s Residence Renovation Project, you will help convey a powerful message of support for our Men’s Residence program and renovation plans. Together, we can change the way we address affordable housing, public health, and community wellness in Evanston.

Interested in joining us? Please provide your contact information in the form below and we will be in touch with more information about how you can get engaged.


$12.6 million in donations are needed to fund temporary relocation, renovation, furnishings and extended maintenance into the future.

With your support, we can help provide community-based bridge housing solutions and empowering wrap-around services to men-identified people facing housing insecurity and homelessness in Evanston.

Your contribution can make an impact now and for generations to come.


YMCA, MIC on Schakowsky’s earmarks list

April 19, 2023

Published by Evanston Now on April 18, 2023 U.S. Rep Jan Schakowsky (D-Evanston) has included two Evanston projects on her list of 15 proposed community projects she’ll seek funding for […]

City Council approves $3 million ARPA allocation to McGaw YMCA men’s residence renovation

June 14, 2022

Published by The Daily Northwestern on June 14, 2022 City Council voted 6-1 to approve a $3 million allocation of American Rescue Plan Act funding to support the renovation of […]

A Look Inside: New Model Room for Men’s Residence

May 9, 2022

EVANSTON, ILLINOIS (MAY 9, 2022) — McGaw YMCA revealed a new model room for the Men’s Residence Renovation Project. McGaw Y Board Chair Janine Hill and President/CEO Monique Parsons welcomed […]

Become a Y Supporter! | Men’s Residence Renovation Project

May 4, 2022

The McGaw YMCA Men’s Residence in our historic 1000 Grove Street building is scheduled for a long overdue transformation. Learn more about the renovation plans here. We invite you to […]


Recognition opportunities are available including the entrance, lobby communal space and SRO units. For more information about the campaign and how to give, contact the Development Department or call 847-475-7400 ext 241.

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