Community Day + Camp Echo Fest: Event Recap

On Saturday, April 29, the YMCA welcomed members of the community with an afternoon of fun-filled activities for everyone including Camp Echo favorites.

The McGaw YMCA hosted a Community Day on April 27 to encourage a healthy start to the summer season and celebrate Camp Echo’s 100th anniversary. Families from Evanston and surrounding areas had the chance to explore the YMCA facilities for free and engage in family-friendly activities, including group fitness demo classes, Family Fun Gym Time, family swim sessions, and more.

As part of the festivities, attendees participated in Echo Fest to celebrate Camp Echo’s 100th anniversary. Activities included a traditional Family Camp Carnival in the gym, with classic attractions like games, duck races, and face painting. In the Chinnock Lounge, attendees honored Camp Echo’s legacy with History & Crafts sessions led by Katie Tucker Trippi, a retired McGaw YMCA staffer and longtime Camp Echo alumna.

The year-long celebration of Camp Echo’s centennial will culminate during a special 100th Anniversary Celebration weekend at camp September 20-22. The festivities will include traditional camp activities, campfires, songs, and stories. A variety of housing options will be available, from cabins to yurts and tents. To learn more about the celebration weekend, including accommodations, activities, cost, and more, view the Camp Echo 100th Anniversary Celebration Guide. To register, visit the Registration page on the Camp Echo website.

Take a look at our Community Day + Echo Fest photo album: 


Community Days are hosted at the Y on select dates throughout the year and provide a fun-filled opportunity for community members to try the Y for free. Stay connected with us on social media or visit our Events Calendar to find out more about our free events and offerings for community participants! 

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