Safety at the Y

As one of the nation’s largest providers of youth and family programs, the YMCA has made the safety of children and everyone we serve a top priority. Providing a safe, secure and clean environment for members and participants is essential to the Y’s cause of strengthening community.

COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocols

The McGaw YMCA has implemented a number of health and safety protocols in an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Safety Screening

Our Y participates in a national YMCA initiative to screen members, program participants, and staff against the National Sex Offender Registry. This screening process helps us to determine who has access to our facilities to help prevent child abuse and to increase facility safety and security. Convicted sex offenders will not be permitted to enter McGaw facilities, hold memberships, participate in programs, or live in the residence.

Members are checked in by McGaw Y staff each time they enter the facility. Non-members, including program participants and guests, should bring a valid identification that includes a photo and date of birth (such as a driver’s license or passport) each time they visit McGaw Y.

McGaw YMCA may suspend or terminate membership for anyone who falsifies a membership card, allows an unauthorized guest in the building, or engages in similar behavior.

Creating a Child Safe Environment

As one of the nation’s largest providers of youth and family programs, the YMCA has made the safety of children and everyone we serve a top priority. Providing a safe, secure and clean environment for members and participants is essential to the Y’s cause of strengthening community.

The McGaw YMCA works in partnership with parents and guardians of children in Y programs to protect children from abuse. Our youth participate in a wide variety of programs, including child care, camping, sports, aquatics, mentoring and more. The McGaw YMCA’s programs follow the principles of youth development, which includes the belief that children need to be physically and emotionally safe in order to learn and thrive. To help keep children in our programs safe, we take the following steps in our intensive screening of employees and volunteers:

  • Detailed application forms and comprehensive interview process
  • Personal and professional references
  • Criminal record checks/fingerprinting
  • Employees complete an extensive child abuse prevention training program
  • Staff and volunteers are mandated to report any suspected child abuse
  • Staff are not allowed to babysit children they meet through the YMCA

Children are often faced with choices affecting their development and safety. It is our job as the Y and as parents and guardians to prepare children and ourselves for what could happen and to protect them from abuse. It is our responsibility as adults to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child abuse. Child abuse does exist, taking many forms: emotional, physical and sexual abuse, as well as child neglect.

Signs of abuse include:

  • Abrupt changes in behavior, anxiety, clinging, aggressiveness, or withdrawal
  • Discomfort with physical contact
  • Fearfulness or depression
  • Abuse of other children
  • Avoidance of a particular person or refusing to go to a friend’s or relative’s home for no apparent reason
  • Sexual language or behavior that is not age-appropriate
  • Unexplained bruises, welts, burns
  • Unkempt or malnourished appearance
  • Disturbed sleeping or eating patterns
  • Sexually transmitted diseases and infections

Why are children afraid to tell?

  • The abuser tells the child that their parents will be angry.
  • The abuser confuses the child about what is right and wrong.
  • The abuser tells the child that they will hurt the child's family member(s) if the child tells.
  • The abuser tells the child it is a game or a secret.
  • Children think it was their fault, or that they should have done something to prevent it.
  • The abuser may encourage the child to break rules set by their parents, causing the child to fear punishment.

Why should I do if your child discloses that someone hurt them, scared them, or made them feel uncomfortable?

  • Listen and stay calm - your reaction has a powerful influence on your child.
  • Believe your child and make sure your child knows it.
  • Thank your child for telling you and praise your child’s courage.

If you have questions or concerns, or would like to anonymously report an incident, please call the YMCA helpline staffed by Y-USA’s experts Praesidium, at 1-855-347-0751.

If you would like to report a suspicion that a child has been harmed or is at risk of being harmed by abuse or neglect, call the DCFS Child Abuse Hotline: 800-25-ABUSE (800-252-2873 or TTY 1-800-358-5117)

If you believe a child is in immediate danger of harm, call 911 first.

We're Here to Help

If you need more information or have questions, please email our Member Services team and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. For immediate assistance, call 847-475-7400 and press ‘1’ to speak with a Member Services team member.

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