Locker Room Rules

For the safety of all, members are expected to abide by the following rules when using our locker rooms.

Adults and youth ages 14 and up should use the Adult-only locker room of their gender identity.

Youth ages 5 and under may use the same locker room as their Supervising Individual (i.e., parent, guardian, or program staff) regardless of gender.

Youth ages 6 to 13 should use the same locker room of their gender identity with Supervising Individual present.

The Everybody’s locker room is equipped with private changing rooms with showers, toilet facilities and a changing table. This locker room is available for all genders, anyone with children of any age and gender, for people with diverse abilities and their caregivers, or for people who prefer more privacy.

Help maintain a clean facility by practicing hygienic habits in the shower and removing hair from drain after use.

Pick-up area after use and dispose of debris in recycling and garbage bins.

Leave valuable items at home or on your person. Do not leave in lockers.

Overnight use of lockers is not permitted except for monthly rentals. Locks may be cut if left overnight.

Report any issues directly to a Y staff member.

Please respect the privacy of others while in the locker room.

Locker rooms are cell phone-free zones for the privacy of others. No digital technology devices may be used while in the locker rooms.

Members and guests are required to follow the YMCA Code of Conduct.

Keeping You Safe at the Y

Learn more about our health and safety protocols and what to expect for your next visit.

We're Here to Help

If you need more information or have questions, please email our Member Services team and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. For immediate assistance, call 847-475-7400 and press ‘1’ to speak with a Member Services team member.

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