To improve your member experience and help maintain our facilities, certain amenities will be closed during the dates listed below for preventative maintenance and cleaning. Please be patient during these improvements and use this time as an opportunity to try some of our other amenities during these maintenance closures.
Aquatics Center Pools: Closed August 7- September 6* (*anticipated)
- Pools drained and regrouted
- Deep cleaning and welding
- Walls painted and tilework
- New ladders and bleachers
During this time, McGaw Y members will have the opportunity to use Northwestern University’s pool. Click here for details.
Women’s & Men’s Locker Rooms: Closed August 18-28
- Carpets will be cleaned and/or replaced
- Deep cleaning
During this time, women can use the Family Locker Room (the one across the hall from the Women’s). Men can use the Everybody’s locker room (the one on the lower level). There will be no access to the steam rooms or saunas during this closure.
Sebring Lewis Gym & Indoor Track: Closed August 21–28
- HVAC cleaning
- Carpets replaced
- Floors revarnished
Group Fitness Studio: Closed August 24–26
- Cleaning
- Floors revarnished
Racquetball/Squash Courts: Closed August 24–26
- Cleaning and painting
- Floors revarnished
Fitness Center: Closed August 28–September 2
- Deep cleaning and touch up painting
- Equipment cleaning
- Carpet steam cleaning
We will provide notice of any changes to the schedule as the projects progress. Updated August 16 to include locker room closures.